Friday, May 3, 2013

As a Child

                                                      Matthew 18:4
                        Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child
                                  is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 

Jesus was gathered with the disciples when they presented Him with the question,
                  "Who then is the greatest in the kingdom  of heaven?"
                                                                                                  __Matthew 18:1

Without hesitation, Jesus called a little child to Him and said,

                  "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted 
                   and become as little children, 
                  you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."
                                                                                                 __Matthew 18:3

What does it mean to humble yourself as a little child? When I think of this question, the first thing I think of is my husband telling me about how he can remember as a little boy sitting on the back stoop of his house, tying his shoes on a beautiful summer day, saying to himself, "I have the whole day to play!" Not a care in the world, not a worry in sight, all he could think about was being on his bike, having a fun filled day with his friends. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could live in that place forever?

We all know that as we get older, more mature, the cares of this world, the worries of finances, health, and the future begin consuming our lives and before we know, instead of having the whole day to play, we feel we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. This is what Christ warns us against. He came that we may have peace in the midst of life's struggles;

                 "In this world you will have tribulation,
                  But be of good cheer,
                  I have overcome the world."                                 __John 16:33

Christ longs for us to humble ourselves as little children and regardless of what comes into our lives, stand on His promise;
                 "I will never leave you nor forsake you"                __Hebrews 13:5

and walk through life as a little child, holding tight to our Daddy's hand.