Thursday, January 26, 2012

Heaven On Earth

 Not that I speak in regard to need,,
 For I have learned in whatever state I am,
 to be content.
 I know how to be abased, and I know
 how to abound.
 Everywhere and in all things I have
 learned both to be full and to be
 hungry, both to abound and to suffer
 I can do all things through Christ who
 strengthens me.
                        Phil. 4:10-13

Recently while visiting our son at Pensacola Christian College, I purchased a new CD by Shelah. The name of the CD is "Hope of the Broken World." I recommend it highly! There are many great songs on the CD that speak of the hope we have in Christ.  One song spoke to me in a very special way. The name of the song is "Moments Like These," written by Todd. The song speaks of times with his three little girls and how he looks at these times with them as his " heaven on earth."

 This made me think of my own life. What do I think of as "heaven on earth"
 in my life?  Do I appreciate all the blessings the Lord continually bestows upon me? What do I think about when all is quiet around me and I ponder back over my life?  It is so easy for me to pine over what I once had and loved, but now is gone.  I loved being a mom to small children, preteen and even teenagers! I loved the many nights we found ourselves racing to yet another game for one of our children, cheering their team onto victory. Those days are gone, how I long to have them back.  What do I do with the sadness that comes over me when I long for those days? I have to choose; pine for days gone by, or be thankful I had those special times with my children.

Paul tells us to be content in whatever state we find ourselves. I will never forget
sitting around a table at a Bible Study discussing how our lives can become so
"hum drum" - seem so meaningless, without purpose. One of the precious ladies
shared how she always dreaded Mondays when she had to wash clothes and clean the house. She dreaded it that is until one Monday when she found herself standing next to a hospital bed where her sister lay, dying of breast cancer. She said, "I looked out the  hospital window and longed to be back home with an ordinary Monday, washing and cleaning." That put everything into  prospective for all of us.

I heard someone say, "We spend more time thinking about what we don't have then what we do have." It is so easy to let the simple things of life, the everyday blessings, become routine instead of realizing that we will never get these moments back. That is what Todd spoke of in the song. And that is what Paul pens in Philippians 4:11: I have learned that in whatever state I am, to be content. It is "moments like these" that we need to cherish, hold onto, and realize are our "heaven on earth," and in these moments learn to be content.

I began thinking of some of the many moments of "heaven on earth" the Lord has blessed me with. The first moment was of course the continual blessing of knowing Christ as my Savior. To think that He would draw me to Himself, to have a personal relationship is certainly more than I can fathom, and way more than I deserve!! And then I started thinking of how on January 3rd we were blessed with a new grandson, Sebastian Xavier. As I held him for the first time and looked into that sweet little face, I couldn't help but be amazed at the miracle of the birth of a baby. That is certainly "heaven on earth!" For the last two weeks and into next week I have had the privilege of spending time in Florida  with my Mom. We have laughed, cried, done Bible Study, walked, attended church, knit, shopped, and loved every minute of being together. Mom is 82 years old, in excellent health, and my very best friend. What a gift the Lord has given me to spend this undivided time with her, just the two of us! Now that is "heaven on earth!

Times like these are obvious. But what about everyday life, when all seems so routine. Where is "heaven on earth" then? I couldn't help but think about how my husband and I start every morning visiting over a cup of coffee, sharing what our day will hold, enjoying each others' company. That to me is "heaven on earth." I love those times with him. And there are times with my precious friends, over lunch, or just visiting on the phone. Have I ever thought about how the Lord has blessed me so abundantly and thought of times with them as "heaven on earth?" I can't say that I have. But that is exactly what they are! Sitting around a table sharing the Word of God, growing together with like minded women, women who love the Lord and want so much to grow in understanding - now that is "heaven on earth!" The list could go on and on - and it does!!

I want to walk in such a way that I am so aware of all the Lord does for me each and everyday, that my life is made up completely of moments of "heaven on earth"  It is there I will be content, be a blessing, and a testimony to others.

How about you? What are your moments of "heaven on earth?" We are a blessed people! Let's walk in such a way that every moment of every day we are aware that it is our Lord who continually bestows these blessings upon us. It is our Lord who gives us moments of "heaven on earth."



  1. Amen Cyndy!
    We truly do forget just how amazingly we are Blessed here on Earth.

  2. Cyndy,

    Thank you for your beautiful reminder of "heaven on earth" moments and the value of being content with where we are in life. God truly has blessed me with so much, yet so often I find myself yearning for more - more children, more financial stability, more time with family, more satisfaction in my work, more, more, more!

    On the backs of the bathroom doors in the ladies restroom at church are posted Scripture verses. Somehow recently, I always end up using the one that says, "Be content with what you have, for never will I leave you or forsake you". That is so difficult for me. Especially in desiring more children. I have a beautiful, loving, teenage daughter that I am so grateful for but in thinking of the fast approaching college years, I find myself wanting more to come in terms of children.

    Thank you for the reminder to treasure these moments with her and with my husband and family and in the "everyday moments" in life. In the recent sudden passing of my mother-in-law, I am reminded once again of the fact that they are precious and of infinite worth.


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